Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to Save on Your Energy Bill By Lisa Marie Brown Platinum Quality Author

With energy costs expected to skyrocket this winter, many homeowners are wondering how to save money on their electric bill this year. In the end, you've got to be a little more innovative when it comes to real savings. Here are a few tips to help you save on your energy bill this year:
  1. Lower your thermostat. Every degree above 70 increases your cost by 7 percent to 10 percent.
  2. Check your filters. Dirty filters may increase your costs by up to 20 percent and could also damage the heating and cooling system.
  3. Vent air from your radiator. Venting the air from your radiator makes them more efficient. The key on the end of the radiator costs less than $1.
  4. Install a programmable thermostat. Program it to be lower while everyone is at work
  5. Clean the coils that cool your refrigerator. This will help your refrigerator cool more efficiently.
  6. Lower the temperature on your hot water heater. The hot water heater should be between 115 and 120 degrees.
  7. Replace the shower head with a low-flow shower head. This will cut down on your natural gas bills, because your water heater will not have to work as hard.
  8. Wash in cold water. The cost comparison here is a no brainer: it costs about 38 cents to wash a load of clothes in hot water. It costs about 1.5 cents to wash it in cold.
  9. Use your dishwasher. Dishwashers use approximately 15 gallons of hot water. Washing by hand could use as much as 20 gallons.
  10. Fill your motorized appliances to capacity. Air conditioning units, freezers, washers and dryers, refrigerators, and dishwashers operate most efficiently when they're operating at full capacity. When they're not working at full capacity they pull more energy than they use.
Even using just a few of these tips should save you dollars and cents off of your next energy bill. Using good common sense, like investing in compact fluorescent light bulbs and turning off the lights when you leave the room, should further reduce your bill and add to your savings.
Lisa Brown is a Sales and Marketing Associate for Almost Home USA, a corporate housing company whose goal is to provide such excellent experiences that clients feel almost home.
Lisa Marie Brown - EzineArticles Expert Author

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